【小學試題】小六英文搶分練習題答案 掌握英文冠詞(Articles)「a, an, the」用法
發布時間: 2021/04/14 00:00
Part A
Part B
1. This restaurant is frequented by the rich.
2. She made us a dozen cupcakes.
3. Her best friend has a gallery in the Netherlands.
4. Miss Ehlers is having a high fever.
5. As a result, she was in hospital.
6. Miss Ehlers usually has breakfast early.
7. Miss Ehlers says our fingers are a useful tool.
8. The Spanish are very fond of the colour red.
Part C
1. X; X; a
2. a; the; a; a; an; an
3. the; an; a; X
4. X; X; X; the
5. a; X; a; the; the
6. X; the; the
7. the; a; an/the
8. X; X; X; X
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